Friday, November 22, 2013


I have been dealing with a nagging knee injury which has greatly hampered my training for the last  month and a half.  I sprained my ACL but the main injury was a deep bone contusion in my knee which the doctor said would take three months to heal.  This is probably a repetitive use injury, probably need to get some better shoes.  Also I might need to work on my running form since about 80% of runners get injured throughout a year.  All too often injuries are part of Crossfit and any other sport for that matter.  This shouldn’t be a deterrent but rather a cautionary tale to listen to your body when training.  If you feel something is off don’t train through it.  Stop doing activities that aggravate it for that workout go home and take a day or two’s rest and re-evaluate that injury.  This is something I could have benefited from but often times I butt heads with my competitive stubborn spirit which tells me to toughen up and keep going. Taking extra time off is sometimes very hard to do, but three days off is much better than three months off. 

I have been battling this injury for months and trust me it’s no fun.  This has been probably the most frustrating and painful time of my life.  I never realized how painful a contusion can be or how much you need your knees.  I have had ligament and rotator cuff injuries, and tendonitis in both my elbows.  All of these pale in comparison to my knee injury.  The process of healing a bone contusion can be a very long process and there is really nothing to do but REST!  So do yourself a favor next time you feel something off, take it easy and get a few days rest if needed.