Monday, March 31, 2014

Strongman WOD

Bench Press                       3/3/3+
Ring Handstand Push-Ups  3xME
Strict Toes to Bar               3xME
6 minute time cap - score is total chest-to-bar pull-ups
20 Strict Pull-Ups
30 Kipping/Butterfly Pull-Ups
AMRAP Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Today I stole a WOD from Rob Orlando’s StrongmanWOD website the link is here .  On this site there are a lot of heavy weight circuits including tires, yokes, atlas stones, and just about everything heavy you could imagine.  This one was straightforward and only needed bodyweight.  It was a 6 minute time cap and you start by completing 20 strict pull-ups, then 30 kipping or butterfly pull-ups, then if you complete that you do as many chest-to-bar pull-ups in the remaining time.  This was a little bit of strategy and a whole lot of fatigue.  I tried to split my sets up in the earlier rounds so I would have something left for the chest- to-bars.  I did split the sets up but still didn’t have much to give during the chest-to-bar pull-ups.  I split the strict pull-ups into two quick sets of 10.  Then I hit 3 sets of 6 and 3 sets of four for the butterfly pull-ups I was hoping to get at least 5 chest to bar pull-ups and only got three.  I continued to plug away until the time was up.  My score was 23 chest to bar pull-ups.  I’m ok with that score but would have liked to have gotten 30.  So all in all during the six minutes I completed 73 pull-ups; 20 strict, 30 butterfly, and 23 chest-to-bars.  I’m looking forward to some active recovery at Sugarloaf Mountain tomorrow.