Saturday, March 29, 2014

Little Bennett Hike

Today I met up with Scoob and we headed to Little Bennett Regional Park.  I never been there and it is so close by.  It has over 21 miles of trails and about 4,000 protected acres.  We just started hiking through the trails with nobody in sight.  The terrain was muddy from all the snow melt.  We walked across streams, flipped logs and boulders, climbed and swung from vines.  We spent the better part of the day just hiking and exploring uncharted territory. We hit a METCON of Muscle-Ups and burpees after about 7 plus miles of hiking.  This was not a fun metcon it quickly became a real struggle.  After looking back it was good to throw in a metcon towards the end of the hike when you’re not fresh and are a little tired.  If you can only perform when fresh and rested then what does that truly mean.  Overall we had hiked close to ten miles and did a little metcon.  I’m definitely going to revisit this place when it’s a little warmer outside.