Monday, February 17, 2014

New Training Day1

Morning session
Bench Press 5/3/1+
Weighted Chins
Weighted Dips
Weighted Sit-Ups
Afternoon session
Handstand Walking 5 x max effort
Freestand HSPU 3x ME
Light-Pole Climbs
Evening WOD
30 Muscle-Ups for time
                The morning session at Crossfit Grand Strand went as planned.  For my all out set on the bench press at 215lbs, I got five reps.  I’m pretty happy with that.  Then the rest of the strength session was routine.  For the afternoon session I went to these grass badminton courts in my neighborhood and walked on my hands for a while at least attempted too.  For some reason I seem only able to walk backwards on my hands.  Then I did some L-Sits on a bench, and then a played around with a few different creative things.  I didn’t do any work on the rings because of the 30 muscle-ups for time this evening. 

I got started with the evening WOD and got 10 on my first set, I was hoping for at least 12.  I took three breaths and jumped on the rings and got up and then lost the rings behind me.  It was a scary moment as both my shoulders got pulled behind me.  I jumped down and waited a few seconds to see if I had done any damage.  I didn’t I think so I hopped back up and knocked out 4 more.  From then on it was a couple sets of 3s 2s and a lot of singles.  I was frustrated from the start and the straps kept getting in the way of my grip.  I finished in 8:11.  Really not happy about the time but I think 30 muscle-ups for time might be a little ambitious for my skill on the muscle-up at this point.  It was a minute faster than the first and only time I did this workout.  I got my first ring muscle-up less than a month ago so I guess I shouldn’t complain.  It was a long day of training looking forward to some rest and recovery tomorrow.  Below is a video I took with my gopro of some muscle-ups
