Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 2 at the Barn

Second Barn Workout
Scoob and Greg arrive and we quickly get after it by staring with 10x2 Floor Press.  We struggled to get a proper set-up things were a little shaky at the beginning but we stacked the barbell on bumper plates so it was raised.  It began to smooth out a little and Scoob got to his working sets at 185lbs, I 225lbs and Greg 240lbs.  Greg seemed to be very strong on this movement.  I struggled to get comfortable with the awkwardness of this movement.  Scoob got some pretty tough reps.  Then we worked on some Handstands for about ten minutes. 
Now onto the metcon which was 3 rds for time of 20 shoulder to overhead @95lbs and 10 bar-facing burpees.  Scoob went first and was fighting for every rep after the first round.  The weight was probably a little heavy for him for this particular WOD.  He finished in 9 mins and some change. Then Greg went and the weight didn’t seem to be a problem for him going through the first two rds unbroken.  He broke up the presses the third round and finished with a time of 4:30. 

Now I’m up and wished I had gone first sine I had just watched all the pain and suffering and knew this workout was going to be a gasser.  I go unbroken on the first set but realize with my knee these aren’t strong push presses not much drive from the legs, which is the name of the game in this WOD.  Burpees felt fast and on to the second round I pick the bar up and realize that with no leg drive this is going to be really tough.  Get through it in two sets sprint through the burpees.  On to the final round and the presses are rough and I get through them in about 4 or 5 sets.  This really ate the clock up so I knew I had to hurry on the burpees.  Scoob and Greg are really cheering me on to get through this round.  I finished and clocked in at 4:54 not too bad, but not great.  I was hoping for a sub 4 minute time but I guess it wasn’t in the cards.  We were all gassed and glad to be done with the workout.  Heading back to South Carolina tomorrow, can’t wait to show my face back at Crossfit Grand Strand since it’s been too long.