Saturday, July 12, 2014

Modern Life & Sustainability

          I know this post has nothing to do with Crossfit or nutrition but since it’s my blog I’m going to write about it anyway.  Something has been on my mind a lot lately and it stems from human activity in the modern world and climate change.  This weekend I was spending the 4th of July weekend on the beach with my family.  I couldn’t help but noticed the packed and overly crowded beaches.  This kind of put a damper on relaxing at the beach.  I was barely even able to see the waves because of the wall of umbrellas as far as the eye could see.  I guess this is just the world we live in nowadays.  The beach got a little less crowded and hot towards the early evening.  When the umbrellas were gone what was left behind was a bunch of trash which really got me thinking about human activity today in the modern world.  I saw beer cans, plastic cups, plastic water bottles, among many other things that did not belong on the sand and eventually into the ocean.  The thought of trash especially plastic washing into the ocean just makes me cringe.  I began collecting the trash I could see and quickly filled up a bag of trash.  I seemed to be the only one concerned with the trash or at least the only one bothered enough to do something. 

I find myself at odds with the majority of people these days and it’s not a good feeling.  What I mean by this is I can’t understand the way many people act and their complete disregard for our planet and sustainability.  We are all well-aware of human-influenced climate change at this point so the justifiable excuses are gone.  I just can’t understand how people can intentionally and even unintentionally leave trash behind especially on a beach where those same people come to admire its beauty.  If we all treated places like this eventually it will look like a landfill and then no one will want to visit.  I think humans have lost their connection with nature in the modern world.  I’m not saying let’s all retreat to the woods and live caveman-style unless you want too.  Seriously though people need to consider the consequences to their decisions and I don’t mean directly onto themselves.  We aren’t the only inhabitants of this planet and are actions directly affect everything else.  Earth supplies us with life and all it asks for in return is respect and thus far humans haven’t been holding up their end of the bargain.  The use of plastic water bottles still baffles my mind especially here in America.  We have safe water here that comes out of our faucets so fill up a Nalgene and take it with you simple enough.  If not buy a filter and purify your water.  Just think about how much plastic waste you are buying when you get that 24 pack of water plus there are another 7 billion people on this planet so just imagine if they were all doing the same thing Yikes!

                There are many things that need to be changed to allow a sustainable and less human-disrupted Earth but if people can start taking small steps and actions it can have a dramatic effect.  So next time you are out at the beach, mountains, or whatever destination you chose to enjoy make sure you collect your trash and properly dispose of it.  Also if you’re walking and happen to notice a beer can or some other article of trash on the ground; pick it up please!