Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fundamentals Course

    I signed up for the fundamentals course.  In my head I’m thinking what do I need this for I know what I’m doing.  I walk in a little intimidated and get to the front desk and say I’m here for the fundamentals course.  I’m relatively fit, athletic, and strong but Crossfit was something that I had no experience with.  I get sent into the gym and there is blaring heavy-metal music and about ten fit looking guys and girls ripping heavy barbells off the floor and then doing some crazy jump-rope where it passes through twice on each jump and then hitting effortless pull-ups.  Now I’m really thinking what am I doing here?  So I am waiting for the coach to come over and meet me.  So over walks this sweaty, ripped woman she looks in shape to say the least.  I met Kelly one of the crossfit coaches who was teaching tonight's fundamentals class.  She takes me and a middle-aged mother and her 13 yr old son over to the corner with these long thin PVC pipes and I’m thinking (What the hell are these for?)  We go through some of the staple motions like the back squat, deadlift, front squat, and thrusters.  We start to use just the empty barbell and never put more than a ten on each side.  I leave anxious to get back for the final fundamentals course on Thursday.