Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

         My two boys from Maryland Scoob and Brian were coming to visit me in Myrtle Beach for Labor Day weekend.  We go down to the beach early on Saturday with a cooler full of beers and play cornhole and toss the pigskin around.  We hit the local beach bar and have a couple pitchers of margarita and listen to a dj playing reggae.  We went back home and were going to eat dinner, then shower and head out to show them a good time.  We get back eat and decide to lay down and digest(bad idea).  We all passed out for about three hours.  I guess we were a little over-ambitious and decided to call it a night.
We wake up the next morning early and decide to hit a little gym sess at the gym in my neighborhood.  My buddy Brian is nursing a shoulder injury so he decides to do a little rehab and watch a WOD that I made up for me and Scoob.  I came up with 21-15-9 with the round of 21 being Deadlifts with Pull-ups, the round of 15 being Power Cleans and pull-ups, and the final round of 9 being Push Presses and Pull-ups.  I decide the weight for me to use is 135 and tell Scoob to use 95lbs.  We start simultaneously and off we went I ripped through the Deadlifts unbroken and very fast, same with the pull-ups.  Then I grab the bar and realize there is no way I’m doing 15 Power Cleans with this weight so I  grab Sccobs bar and get through my set of Cleans while he is on the Pull-up bar.  Then I hit my pull-ups and finish my set of push-press at 95lbs unbroken and finished my pull-ups and my time was around 6 minutes.  I felt pretty good about my performance.  Scoob has never experienced Crossfit and was really feeling it.  He is bent over trying to catch his breath and I start encouraging him to finish.  He gets his second wind and finishes strong around 12 minutes.  He is wrecked and can’t believe the workout was that hard and honestly neither could I. We finished with a partner WOD of Rowing and Sit-Ups.  Scoob and I leave feeling good about the workout. 
We decide it’s time to eat and grab some beers and head down to the beach.  We paced ourselves a little better today and got back ate dinner and showered and were ready to go out.  We get out there and the bars seem pretty empty.  I was thinking this might be a dead night but not realizing that not everybody had been drinking for 8 hours like us.  It wasn’t even 9pm we meet a few people at one bar and decided to head over to a bar with a large dance floor and nobody’s in there except us.  We sat around talking and decide to start dancing anyways.  My buddy Scoob gets the dance party started as usual.  An hour later there is probably a few hundred people in this place.  It was a pretty fun night!
I had a good time and I feel relieved to know that so did they.  It’s Monday and we wake up feeling extremely rough and grab some Chicken Egg & Cheese Biscuits from Bojangles(Southern hangover cure).  This helps us a little bit with the hangover and we all took a nap.  We arose and Scoob and Brian now had to make a long trek back to Maryland.  Great Weekend!