Friday, September 6, 2013

2 Miles of Sprints

Fridays WOD was an absolute cardio killer.  It was 4 x 400m sprints with 2 minute rest between each sprint.  Then 4 x 200m sprints with 1 min rest in between, 4X100m sprints with 30 secs rest in between, then finally 4x50m sprints with 15 seconds rest in between runs.  This was physically and mentally challenging.  It was hard to know how hard to push yourself on each round.  I went all out on about every sprint only bested by the guy in the gray t-shirt and green boardshorts.  He was an absolute machine, he has an insane work capacity.   This is something that I don't work on often enough.  Sprinting is an extremely beneficial exercise.  It can be done on  different surfaces to soften the load on your joints like on grass or in the sand.  It can also be done on a bike or in a pool.  Props to everyone on this WOD it was brutal for us all.