Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Barn WOD March 18, 2014

         Today for the strength portion of the workout I started off with the bench press.  I got five reps at 220lbs which I feel good with since I used a pause at the bottom of every rep.  Had I just did touch and go reps I probably could of gotten around ten reps.  I’m guessing this has my max around 270 not as good as the Globo-Gym days.  Oh well, I guess that’s the small price to pay for not being a specialist anymore and spending more time developing my physical abilities in entirety.  Next I tried the heaviest weighted pull-up that I have done in quite some time with a 45 and 25lb plate totaling 70lbs.  I did three sets of three with this weight and it felt pretty good.  This got a litte tricky since the pull-up bar is about 8 feet from the ground and I couldn't just jump up there with an extra 70lbs.  After that I tested out the peg-board I had just built and installed.  It didn’t feel too great especially following the weighted pull-ups.  
         Next I moved on to the gymnastics part of the WOD.  I did a movement that I had never tried before tuck to a handstand.  I looked really horrible on this movement but it started getting a little better towards the end.  I will eventually outfit the upstairs of the barn with gymnastics mats so I can afford to roll over.  I then did three sets of bar muscle-ups and l-sits neither of these movements am I very good at.  For the three rounds of bar muscle-ups I got 6, 5, and 5 reps respectively.  Overall the workout felt good, I feel like I hit a lot of tough exercises.  The evening conditioning I opted out of because I had felt like my shoulder had taken a beating from the bench press, weighted pull-ups, bar muscle-ups, peg-board climb, and attempted tuck to handstands so I didn’t want to overload the joint.  I’ve attached the video of the workout below.