Friday, February 21, 2014

1/2 mile swim

Morning WOD
2 min AMRAP(as many reps as possible) of Muscle-Ups
2min AMRAP of Floor Press
2 min AMRAP of GHD Sit-Ups
2 min AMRAP of Pull-Ups
2 min AMRAP of Ring-Dips
2 min rest between each exercise
Evening WOD 
15 mins of Various Handstands
1000m Swim for time:

          I didn’t really have much upper body lifting left that I haven’t already hit this week so I decided to do the above workout.  Two minute rounds of 5 different exercises for max reps with two min rest in between rounds.  The first exercise was muscle-ups and I got 8 on my first set not too impressive.  I waited about 20 secs and hopped back up and got 3 more and then I got two singles and missed a single right before the time was up.  Total of 13 muscle-ups in two mins I was shooting for 15 which definitely is possible.  For the floor presses I chose 135lbs and I managed 32 reps I can’t complain.  The GHD sit-ups were a dismal performance only managing 30 in the time period.  Really seem to struggle with this movement.  On to the pull-ups I got a total of 42 reps.  After this I really hit a point of exhaustion and could feel my breakfast making it’s way up.  I tried to regain my composure for the final round of ring dips but I was struggled and finished with a total of 37 reps.  So I got 13, 32, 30, 42, and 37 reps respectively. 

                I decided to condense my skill session and conditioning session into one workout.  I went to the Sport & Health club in my neighborhood and worked on handstands, and handstand walking.  I then tried a new variation of walking along the wall laterally on my hands this was a new and exciting change up.  Try walking on your hands laterally it gets tiring very quickly.  Now onto the conditioning which was 1000m swim for time.  I knew it was going to be brutal since I’m a land dweller and haven’t spent much time in the water.  I became quickly fatigued and felt like my heart was going to pop out of my chest.  I took breaths and breaks about every 50m it seemed. The gym was closing so I had to call it a quits at the 800m mark.  I swam a ½ mile and it took me just over 20 mins.  I think with more time spent in the water I can get that down to the 15 minute mark.  Certainly no Michael Phelps but I’ll take it for my first real swim.  I’m looking forward to a long weekend of recovery after the 8 training sessions that took place Monday thru Friday.