Monday, March 24, 2014

Open WOD 14 3

Today I met up with Scoob and Greg and decided to hit Open workout 14.3.  I’m not signed up for the Open so it wasn’t being sent in but still wanted to try this WOD.  We loaded the truck up with the barbell and the incremental weights up to 315lbs.  I didn’t think there was any chance of getting to the round of 365 so I didn’t bring the extra weight.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with the workout it’s an 8 minute time cap with 10 deadlifts @135lbs 15 box jumps 15 deadlifts @185lbs 15 box jumps 20 deadlifts @225lbs 15 box jumps 25 deadlifts@275lbs 15 box jumps 30 deadlifts at 315lbs 15 box jumps and finish off with 365lb deadlift.  It is an 8 minute workout so you go as far as the clock will allow you to do.  Many good competitors got to the round of 315 and a very few made it to the round of 365.     

 I have been dealing with my knee injury and this was the first lower body movement I have done in close to four months.  So I knew my strength was going to be way down.  I also elected to do step-ups instead of box jumps to save my knee which would eat up some clock.  We took the weights down to the local sports park and had a tape measurer looking for a 24” platform.  We finally found an electrical box that was 25” perfect.  We set the barbell nearby and set up for the WOD.  Greg went first and ended up with 97 total reps then Scoob totaled 60 reps.  Last I was up and we had now moved the barbell a little further from the box since it was making large divots in the grass.  I got through the first two rounds pretty quickly under two minutes.  Then on to 20 reps at 225lbs I broke them in to three sets of five and then did two triples totaling 21 reps oops!  I got to 275 and this felt much heavier then it use too but I haven’t done any lifting in four months.  I had developed a pounding headache and the deadlifts were just making it so much worse.  I got a triple and then just did fast singles.  I wound up getting 14 reps at 275lbs when time ran out.  I got a total of 104 reps, not bad for four months of knee injuries.  I think if I had been able to do box jumps and shortened the distance from the box and the barbell I could have finished the fourth round and wound up somewhere in the 130 rep range.  Looking at the video I used all back and little to no legs.  This was probably me sub consciously protecting my knees and a slight pull in my right hamstring.  I’m surprised how well my lower back held up.   I pride myself usually on my deadlifting form and how much hip torque I can create but there was little to no movement from my hips today.  Not all of my reps ended up on film but close enough.  Here is the video