Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First WOD

I walk into the gym for my first WOD at Crossfit Grand Strand and I’m a little unsure of what to expect.  The WOD today was instructed by Kelly and was an intense one to say the least.  “Hotshots 19” was the workout, which was a tribute to the brave firefighters who lost their live battling the massive wildfire in Arizona.  This workout consisted of 30 air squats, 19 Power Cleans, 7 Strict Pull-Ups and a 400m run.  Oh yeah and that’s only round one; 5 more rounds to go, or a 30 minute time cap whichever comes first.  The Power Cleans called for 135lbs but I scaled it to 95lbs.  I should have gone heavier since they weren’t much of a struggle.  The air squats were tiring after the run legs were filled with lactic acid.  The strict pull-ups got tough in the later rounds after all the power cleans.  I finished five rounds plus 10 air squats.  Not bad for my first WOD at the box!  Nobody finished all six rounds inside the 30 minute time cap but a couple came close.  This workout was really tough and grueling but that comes with most tribute WODs.  You don’t really have an excuse to dog it, just toughen up and keep moving.  My motivation also came from our coach Kelly who was also doing the workout and still yelling motivation to all of those struggling.  I was pretty wiped overall it was a great WOD.