Thursday, September 5, 2013

Deadlifts & Burpees

Today’s workout was a grueling Metcon which consisted of 10 to 1 Deadlifts at 225lbs and Lateral Burpees.  For each burpee you jump over your barbell and do a burpee.  The first round is 10 deadlifts and 10 lateral burpees, then 9 & 9 etc. etc. until you do 1 deadlift and 1 burpee.  It’s a total of 55 deadlifts at 225 lbs and 55 lateral burpees.  We started with a strength session of deadlifts.  I only worked up to 315 since I knew the Wod had a ton of deadlifting.  This was a flat-out grueling WOD, I contemplating quitting a few times.  The 12 o’clock class was petty empty just three other guys.  We were all covered in sweat and gasping for oxygen.  I got my second wind after the round of 5.  This was probably because the rounds were really short now and I really started to push myself.  I think I finished around 9 mins.  I had the fastest time which I was only proud of since the other guys weighed at least 220 and I was getting through the deadlifts faster than they were.  I thought I would pull away on the burpees since I weigh less, but these were just so taxing.  Everyone posted a good time and really pushed it hard.  Overall a really exhausting workout and I was wrecked afterwards.

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