Tuesday, January 7, 2014

First Barn Workout

First workout at the Barn

I recently worked on building my own home gym at my dad’s barn.  I will discuss this in a later post, but this is the first workout at the barn.  Today my boys Scoob and Greg came to train at my newly constructed home gym.  I was eager to show them as I knew they would be as excited as I was.  They arrive and I took them through the tour and they are pretty amped about the gym.  We start out with some Power Cleans and deadlifts for the strength portion.  I’m still recovering from my knee injury so I keep the weight light working up to 155 and decided to work on form and keep the weights light.  Same goes for the deadlifts I worked up to a couple sets of 5 at 275lbs.  Rut does the same.  James comes out just in time for the partner WOD I had created so off we go.  James and I were on one team and Scoob and Greg on the other.  One team member pushes the other down the driveway and back in a wheelbarrow while the other team is doing burpees.  Then the teams switch and the next round the other partner pushes the wheelbarrow.  We did 6 rounds total so everyone did 6 rds of burpees, 3 rds of pushing the wheelbarrow and 3 rds of sitting in the wheelbarrow (I think this was my favorite part).  We walked around while debating the next part of the workout.  We did a few hill runs up the neighbor’s backyard.  It is probably about 150 yards from the barn up to the top of the hill, definitely gonna throw this hill into some workouts in the future.  Then we used the same teams and competed first team to accumulate 100 pull-ups and 50 ring dips.  Crew is going to assemble tomorrow for another workout.

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