Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ring Progressions

Morning WOD
Incline DB Press  5/5/5/5/5/20
Strict Toes to Bar  10/10/10
Back Ext
Afternoon WOD
Ring Dip to shoulder stand
Skin the cat to l-sit
Front lever progressions
Evening WOD
1 min on: 10 pull-ups + ME HRPU
1 min rest – continue until 100 HRPU are completed
I’m kind of running out of strength exercises to do with my knee injury.  I decided to hit an old Globo-Gym exercise incline dumbbell press.  I thought it would be weird since I haven’t pressed dumbells on a bench in six months.  Also I haven’t done incline bench anything probably even longer.  I did my sets of 5 with 80lb dumbells.  Didn’t really seem to lose strength on this exercise probably could have gone up to 85s but I didn’t want to overload the shoulder joint.  Good to know that overall strength carries over to all kinds of exercises. 
For the afternoon ring workout I worked on getting up and over the rings and transitioning from a dip to a handstand.  This is very awkward and unstable, I got my legs extended a couple times but never was able to grab the straps and fully extend.  It became increasingly more comfortable during the five sets so just something that will take time.  The skin the cats were good, I'm really starting to get my torso parallel to the ground.  I took a still shot which is below I am parallel but I would like to maintain a more neutral spinal position.  I would come out of the skin the cat and try and hold an l-sit, this part needs some more work.  The front lever progression I would stick one leg out at a time.  These were pretty ugly but it's a movement I have never tried before.  Pratice. Practice. Practice. 

         For the evening wod I came up with 10 pull-ups on the start of every other minute + max effort hand release push-ups.  Then took a minute rest, stop the clock when you reach a 100 total hand release push-ups.  I took me 10:31 which 5 minutes were rest so 5:31 total work time.  Not bad certainly not great.  Looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow!  I’m going try an EPSOM salt bath tomorrow since they seem to have so many benefits mainly in the recovery department.

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