Friday, March 14, 2014

Gymnastics Wod 3 14 14

         Today I followed a structured gymnastics style workout rather than just picking a few random exercises and work on skill.  This Wod I found from Carl Paolis Gymnastics Wod website.  He has so much knowledge when it comes to gymnastics type movements and provides so many helpful technique and progression videos.  You can take a look at his website or look him up on Youtube.  I found a strength wod he posted a month ago which was four rounds for quality of 2 strict muscle-ups, 4 strict handstand push-ups, 6 strict pull-ups, 8 weighted pistols, and a 10 meter handstand walk.  I modified it a little bit since I can’t do pistols with my leg injury right now.  I decided to do four rounds of 3 strict muscle-ups, 6 strict handstand push-ups, and 9 strict pull-ups, and then a max effort handstand walk.  The workout was pretty straightforward but it was a nice change of pace focusing on quality rather than racing against a clock.  There wasn’t really anything worth noting during this part of the workout.  For my final set of strict pull-ups I decided to give it an all-out effort and wound up with 17.  Thought I should have gotten at least 20 but my upper body was already smoked.   After that I played with various transitions on the paralletes such as L-Sits to Handstands and crows to handstands.  I just recently started incorporating some gymnastics style training and I’m quickly beginning to notice the results plus this type of training is so much fun.  I think I’ll be hitting a hike slash climb at Great Falls tomorrow, hopefully I’ll get some footage.  Here is a video from today's training.

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