Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekend Barn Workout

       Today was my first workout back at the barn and I had James, Scoob, and Greg join for a workout.  It was a lot of technique and working on some skills.  I had just gotten my first strict muscle-up the previous day.  I was pretty siked about that since I haven’t tried them strict in a long time.  I figured I’d give it a try and got five consecutive strict muscle-ups.  I also had been playing around with some of the moves from Prasara yoga such as crow press into a handstand.  We tried these from the parallettes and also did some rope climbing from my new rope.  I still can’t get a good foot hold and is making me crazy.  We also hit a pretty straightforward metcon consisting of a minute of floor presses and a minute of pull-ups rest and repeat two times for max reps.  Me and Greg did the floor presses @ 135 and James and Scoob used 95lbs.  My arms were fried from all the strict muscle-ups, parallette presses, and rope climbs.  Scoob finished with 133 reps, I finished with 127, Greg with 114, and James with 73 reps.  Planning for a little adventure up at Sugarloaf Mountain for a rest day.

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