Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ring Hspu Wod

Monday WOD
Tuck to HS Practice
Bench Press 5/3/1+
WOD: 5RFT of:
3 Ring HSPU
10 C2B Pull-Ups

                Today I started off with a gymnastics movement and it wasn’t pretty go figure!  Then I was on the Bench which would be the end of this cycle.  I hadn’t hit a good number last Monday and had been on a taxing hiking trip over the weekend so I figured I was down a few lbs.  I hoped that I would get a decent number on my last set @225lbs.  I ended up with six reps @225lbs nothing to brag about but I can’t complain.  Then I came up with the following WOD on the fly five rounds for time of 3 Ring Handstand Push-Ups and ten Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups.  Neither of these movements am I particularly good at actually I am horrible at them.  Ring Handstand push-ups are a very new movement too me and I figured why not through them into a Wod.  The ten C2B were a low number but I figured that with the ring HSPU they would be tough.  I was right and wasn’t able to go unbroken though all my sets.  My ring HSPU were ok but not great.  I definitely see a few faults and one of them is I’m not putting my head down.  This break in my cervical spine leads to poor position in my lumbar spine also.  This makes the movement a lot harder and more inefficient than it should be.  Even some of the best in the world struggle with this movement and have the same spinal faults.  It’s just something that I’m going to have to work on.  The video is below and the reason I picked this song because I felt like I was literally going to break my neck on the ring handstand push-ups.

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