Monday, February 10, 2014

Muscle-Up Ladder

Morning WOD
Strength 5/3/1 Bench Press 3,3,3+
EMOM Muscle-Up Ascending Ladder
METCON- 1 min rds of:
Floor Press @135lbs
Rest 1 min & repeat 3 times
I am on the start of my third week of Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 strength program.  I’m still only able to do bench press due to my nagging knee injury.  I’m thinking the start of next month I’ll be able to start doing the squat, deadlift, and strict press.  I am pretty weak on the bench press right now so hopefully this program will help with that.  On my top all-out set I got 6 reps @202.5 lbs. 
Then I was off to do an EMOM ladder of Muscle-Ups, min 1 do 1 muscle-up, min 2 do 2 muscle-ups and on and on until you fail to get the designated reps within the minute.  I felt a little shaky today on the muscle-ups.  I got through the first 6 rounds unbroken and was very fatigued going into the 7th round.  I got 4 then I got two singles and failed on my final rep, one shy of advancing to the eighth minute… bummer!  All in all, I got 27 muscle-ups in 7 minutes with about half the time being rest.  Not too bad considering I got my first ring muscle-up less than a month ago. 

Now on to the Metcon which was a minute AMRAP of Floor Presses @135lbs, Pull-Ups, and Sit-Ups then 1 minute rest and repeat it three times.  So basically it’s 12 minutes of work and 3 minutes of rest.  I got a total of 234 reps, no idea what my reps were round by round.  This number was not too bad but I think I could get closer to the 300 range.  I haven’t done a WOD like this in a while but I think it’s a really good way to test your work capacity with very limited rest.  There wasn’t a ton of strategy in this workout just get after it.  The floor press I started setting reps to hit on the later rounds.  The pull-ups I just kept going until I could no longer get my chin over the bar.  Sit-Ups were pretty straightforward just up and down.  I think this exposed a weakness in my training and is a great way to test your muscular endurance.

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