Thursday, February 13, 2014

Variation of Cindy

10 Pull-Ups
15 Sit-Ups

I decided to just work on conditioning today so I decided to do a longer Metcon.  I thought 20 minutes would be good. So I came up with the following, as many rounds of 5 handstand push-ups, 10 pull-ups, and 15 sit-ups in the 20 minute period.  I did this at the regular gym in my neighborhood.  I completed 11 rounds plus 5 hspu, and 10 pull-ups.  So in all I did 60 HSPU, 120 pull-ups, and 165 sit-ups.  I really felt strong on the handstand push-ups, I did all of them strict.  I only broke up one set due to me losing balance not a lack of strength.  On the pull-ups I didn’t break up any of my sets of 10.  The butterfly motion seems to get more and more efficient.  I think I should up the number of pull-ups to 15 per set next time.  The sit-ups are where I struggled the most.  I just seem to lack core strength; I think most of this is probably from neglect of core training.  I will definitely make an effort to get my core stronger.  All in all I felt good with this metcon since I never really took any rest during the workout other than the walk from the HSPU to the pull-up bars.  I think I will start doing two longer metcons a week while my knee is recovering to keep my endurance.

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