Sunday, February 16, 2014

New Training Schedule

I’m starting a new training protocol with a 1 day on and 1 day off approach.  I think this will be the best way to maximize my gains while minimizing the risk for overtraining and excessive fatigue.  Since my knees are still healing I’m only able to train upper body which makes my training a little redundant.  I will train Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and the rest of the days will be active recovery.  On my training days I will be training three times a day.  It sounds excessive but it isn’t.  In the morning I will do my lifting session which lasts around an hour.  In the afternoon I will be doing around 25-40 mins worth of bodyweight gymnastics skill training.  The evening will be my final workout which will consist of a metcon(metabolic conditioning) or some other sort of conditioning work.  This will last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes depending on the workout.  So I will be probably training a total of 2 to 3 hours on my training days.  That’s not that much and the workload is about the same.  Also instead of cramming it all in to one session I’m able to split it up and get more benefit out of each area. 

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