Tuesday, October 8, 2013

100 Burpees!

100 Burpees for time

Today I scheduled an afternoon metcon of 100 burpees for time.  I knew this was going to be absolutely brutal.  It was just as challenging physically as it was mentally.  This is a very low skill, straightforward metcon just down and up.  Seems easy enough but throw in a high number of reps at maximal intensity and this becomes an extreme challenge.  I started off strong and hit 25 burpees in my first minute.  It was at this moment that I started to realize what I was in for, the next minute was terrible.  My pace slowed considerably only getting about 20 in that minute.  I started breaking them in to sets of five and would take a quick breath.  I was fighting to get through the final 30 reps.  I was dripping sweat and mentally was struggling to carry on.  I ended up finishing my 100th rep and stopped the clocked at just under 7 minutes.  I was happy with that time considering two or three weeks ago I did the 7 minute burpee test and only got 80.  So I increased my total work by 20% in the same time period. I think I can improve upon that time and get 100 in closer to six minutes.  It took me a solid fifteen minutes just to regain my composure I was in a foggy haze.  I don’t plan on scheduling that again anytime soon.

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